Google Analytics Call Tracking Integration

Google Analytics Call Tracking Integration

Send Calls to Your Analytics Account


Get Deeper Insights from Call Tracking in Google Analytics

Our Google Analytics and Google Ads integrations allow you to send your calls to Google Analytics and report phone calls as conversions in Google Ads. These insights give you a complete view of your PPC and website campaigns to really understand what’s working. The integration also makes reporting easier so you can quickly share your successes with those who need to know.

How Our Call Tracking Google Analytics Integration Works

The tracking system integrates with your existing Google Analytics account. Every time someone calls your tracking number, we send the call straight to your Analytics account. You can view your call tracking data alongside other granular visitor events, all in the Google Analytics dashboard.

Our Google Analytics call tracking integration offers a more complete way to report and analyze information in Analytics, giving you more insight into visitor interactions than ever before. The integration is quick and easy to set up, and will give you the actionable data you need to help make important decisions about your marketing strategies.

Classic and Universal Integrations

The tracking system integrates with your existing Google Analytics account. Every time someone calls your tracking number, we send the call to your Google Analytics account. Our Google Analytics call tracking integration is compatible with both Classic (ga.js) and Universal Analytics (analytics.js).

Advanced Reporting Capabilities

With our Google Analytics integration, you can set up goals for calls and track them as conversions, create advanced segments for “callers,” and use phone calls as a stage in multi-channel conversion funnel.

  1. Set up goals in Google Analytics for calls and track them as conversions.
  2. Create advanced segments for “callers.”
  3. Use phone calls as a stage in multi-channel conversion funnel.

These options, combined with the advanced reporting options within your dashboard, will provide you with a plethora of useful data.

Why is Tracking Phone Calls in Google Analytics Effective

Call tracking in Google Analytics gives a complete view of how marketing efforts are working, enabling you to see phone calls alongside other conversions you’re tracking such as online appointment forms and newsletter signups.

Calls reported in Analytics are the crucial data piece you may be missing. Here are some more benefits to our integration:


Google Universal Analytics Integration

Using our Universal Analytics Integration will give you a more complete way to report and analyze data in Google Analytics, allowing you more insight into visitor interactions than ever before. You can view your call tracking data alongside other granular visitor events, all in the Google Analytics dashboard. Also, Universal Analytics allows you to track a specific visitor for up to two years, so you to get a better picture of long-term client behavior.

Benefits of Integrating Advanced Call Tracking with Universal Analytics

  1. Get a holistic view of what behavior drives online visitors to call by viewing your dashboard and call tracking data along with your other online and offline data.
  2. Customize your analytics and tailor reports to the specific needs of your business.
  3. See a caller’s website activity before and after calling you, giving you a clearer view of caller behavior.
  4. Create customized reports using information from all of the sources you’d like to track, including your phone calls, CRM data, and multiple other offline and online sources.
  5. View cross-device data to attribute, allowing you to attribute activity on multiple devices to one individual user, and get insight into how different devices impact call behavior.