Call Tracking

Call Tracking For Data-Driven Marketing

Qualify conversations with keywords in real-time

CallScribe automatically analyzes your conversations to find custom keywords and reveal hot leads, missed opportunities, and other types of callers. Knowing what’s happening during phone calls helps you make marketing touch points more effective and drive better leads.

Visitor & Keyword Call Tracking

Our call tracking software can reveal which campaigns, websites, and search keywords are driving phone call conversions. With visitor timelines, you can see your customer’s journey through your website. Call conversion data feeds directly into Google Analytics and even optimizes your AdWords call tracking campaigns so you can track phone calls as conversions.

Dynamic Website Call Tracking

Create one tracking phone number per marketing campaign, and use dynamic number insertion to easily display a campaign-specific tracking phone number to each visitor on your website. With our real-time reporting, you can be notified instantly when you receive a call, and see which campaigns deliver the highest ROI.

Static & Offline Call Tracking

Make more money by identifying the marketing channels that make your phone ring. Measure the phone leads you receive from your offline marketing efforts, including direct mail, newspaper, radio, TV, and printed brochures. Learn more about your customers and your campaigns so you can be even more effective and close more sales.